Commerce - platform

As part of its services, BDE Software Services GmbH supported an IT project for one of its customers in the print-on-demand sector. The aim of the project was to replace the self-developed product and order management system with a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution. The Composable Commerce Platform from Commercetools was chosen, as it provides all the necessary basic components and is easy to integrate with the existing system landscape. By using Commercetools, the company will no longer need to maintain the legacy components, so that its in-house IT department can focus more on the core components for product creation. The company also benefits from the flexible options that Commercetools offers for displaying the product catalog to individual user groups.
Commerce Platform
As part of the project, Commercetools Composable Commerce Platform was used to map the product catalog with all pricing requirements. In addition, the cart and order management were converted to the new platform. In order to integrate these components with the previous platform, smaller SpringBoot services were created in Java and Kotlin as tailored software. The individual services were connected asynchronously using Apache Kafka, which was introduced as a new event streaming platform during the project. Existing services were subjected to software optimization so that they fit seamlessly into the new IT infrastructure.
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We are always on the lookout for new projects and ideas. Whether you have a new business idea or need help with a complex product or just want to have a cup of coffee - we would be happy to get to know you and learn more about your plans. Get in touch with us and let's realize your ideas together! Feel free to contact us via email at

BDE Software Services GmbH


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