Shipment Tracking
BDE Software Services GmbH has developed a tracking tool for a global logistics company that enables shipments and containers to be tracked efficiently. The web-based one-page service enables advanced queries, filtering and aggregation of shipping information. As part of another layer of visualization, a widget-based dashboard was developed to provide a consolidated overview of critical information.
Shipment Tracking
One of the central requirements for the software was the management and fast presentation of the data. A powerful search API based on Elasticsearch was implemented for this purpose, with the backend infrastructure being implemented using Java Spring and the frontend using Vue.js. The project was hosted on an on-premise OpenShift cluster to ensure high availability and performance control. In addition, a business-specific data platform was designed, which serves as a central interface for data management.
Further Projects
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We are always on the lookout for new projects and ideas. Whether you have a new business idea or need help with a complex product or just want to have a cup of coffee - we would be happy to get to know you and learn more about your plans. Get in touch with us and let's realize your ideas together! Feel free to contact us via email at

BDE Software Services GmbH


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