Insurance broker - Web and backend microservices

Since 2016, we have been supporting an insurance broker in developing a powerful and future-proof web application. The aim of the project is to optimize the management of customers and insurance products and to make processes more efficient. To achieve this, we built a flexible microservice architecture that can be easily expanded and scaled. The automation of processes, the seamless integration of industry-specific partners and the guarantee of the highest security standards were a particular focus. For example, we integrated specialized workflows that accelerate processes and developed robust systems that reliably protect sensitive data. At the same time, the existing system landscape was further developed in order to preserve investments already made. The result is a flexible, secure and easy-to-use solution that makes everyday work easier, saves time and can be adapted to new requirements - real added value for our customers.
Insurance Broker
Various technologies were used in the project to meet the requirements for scalability, security and efficiency. Java and Spring Boot form the backbone of the backend development and provide a robust and reliable basis for the microservices. Angular was used for the frontend to create a user-friendly and responsive interface that enables intuitive use. Kubernetes is used for the orchestration and scaling of the microservices, which offers dynamic management of container applications. Camunda was integrated to automate complex workflows and ensure seamless handling of insurance processes. Liquibase and MySQL are used for database management and consistency, while Spring Security and OAuth2 ensure a high level of security.
say hello

We are always on the lookout for new projects and ideas. Whether you have a new business idea or need help with a complex product or just want to have a cup of coffee - we would be happy to get to know you and learn more about your plans. Get in touch with us and let's realize your ideas together! Feel free to contact us via email at

BDE Software Services GmbH


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22299 Hamburg

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