Platform for managing customer contact permissions

As part of a comprehensive modernization, the newsletter management of a company was fundamentally revised. The aim was to ensure a significant increase in the efficiency, flexibility and scalability of the processes. As part of the project, an audit-proof, multi-client-capable platform for managing newsletter subscriptions was developed. The solution supports legally compliant customer communication and enables the management of over 100 million contact authorizations. Configurable widgets facilitate integration on landing pages and provide a seamless user experience. The previous solution proved to be increasingly cumbersome, as complex dependencies between the individual components made maintenance difficult and prevented agile development. By breaking down the application into smaller, independently scalable modules, these challenges were successfully overcome. The central management of all relevant functions on a single platform simplifies workflows and reduces errors.
Contact permissions
In order to increase the scalability and flexibility of the application, a comprehensive migration to the cloud environment of AWS (Amazon Web Services) was carried out. At the same time, the application was converted to Kubernetes, a container-based infrastructure that enables dynamic adaptation to changing requirements. In order to cope with the high data load resulting from the daily processing of tens of thousands of messages, an event streaming solution based on Apache Kafka was chosen. To ensure high software quality, we consistently rely on test-driven development (TDD). With the help of JUnit, Mockito and Spring Boot Test, we create comprehensive automated tests that enable the early detection of errors and improve the maintainability of the code. By using Spring Security and OAuth2 in conjunction with Keycloak, we guarantee comprehensive protection against unauthorized access. Keycloak also enables central user administration and flexible role-based access control. The security of the application, especially for personal information and contact authorizations, has top priority. The migration to the cloud, the introduction of event streaming and the use of modern development methods have created a solid foundation for future expansions.
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